Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Lyecdevf Asks Hackers to Hack Us!

That TROLL, nasty little fucker, just can't seem to understand that when he goes out of his way to cause others harm and then tries to spread his hatred everywhere, it'll just catch up with him! Lyecdevf ever the HYPOCRITE has now asked another hacker site to hack us!


Isn't it funny that he makes his WHOLE WAR against a girl from EliteHackers for even daring to ask if he's a hacker and to see if he can really hack something (you know since he bragged about it all over the place) and then goes on a years-long angry frothing at the mouth binge at the fact he was even asked and posts ALL those hate blogs, calling her (and EH) all kinds of slanderous names and there he is, ASKING some other hackers to HACK US!


Wow! Just wow!

Hypocrite much, Lyecdevf?

But that's not all, a few people from other forums have been in contact with me personally to give me a heads up about his further whining posts in those other forums he's been trolling recently just begging for help! Asking them to get rid of these blogs that he HATES so much! Oh the hilarity of it all!

LOL at the pathetic asshole seen here just trolling as he always does with the same old tired shit;


He wants this blogger gone! Gee I wonder why? :) One of those people over there sent me a very nice letter congradulating me on this fine blogger aimed to combat the likes of trolls like Lyecdevf! See how he whines to that forum too? It seems he just signed in to every available forum he was on (although he rarely contributed to them with any meaningful posts) and then he shows up on their site just to BITCH about his problems! Problems that HE - HIMSELF caused HIMSELF!

He really should have thought of the consequences of his actions but he didn't. Oh no. He's too busy playing the big bad mean bully on the net. So big and bad to harass a female who didn't do a damned thing to him! I mean some personal messages back and forth, all friendly until he showed his true sociopathic/psychotic self. He wanted to victimize someone and he probably thinks his intimidation had worked. Now he's trying so desperately to get all this evidence against him removed!

But he wouldn't listen. He wouldn't budge. He's the putrid example of an egomaniac who sure loves to dish it out, but sure can't take it!

Lyecdevf was also BANNED from Unite The Cows for being a troll! But he still can't see how stupid and retarded he is!

And just for everyone's education, that post at the first link is a hacker site where he says we're a "bunch" and blood hungry. HA! Where's his litlle man ego now? Blood hungry? Really? It seems Lyecdevf was so goddamned driven to harass my friends and now we're "blood hungry"? Bitch...pah leeease!

And he goes from us being a bunch of people to us being all one person! The first is right, there are a bunch of us. We're the collective members of a forum that Lyecdevf invaded and trolled before they finally banned his ass! You know what he did? He went and whined and cried to the server host about it! I'm sure he'll still try to claim this is all one person because he can beat up a lone single woman on the net with his constant abuse of her, it's pretty obvious he's a misogynist prick who hates women and can't form any relationships with them so he attacks them online and seeks to be a "cyber nightmare". But Lyecdevf can't handle a group of guys. Excuse me, blood hungry guys!

I will have more links later. More screencaps and the like.

This blog is a work in progress. Since the TROLL Lyecdevf will never stop.

Here's some more of his SHIT! And here we'll prove what a total liar Lyecdevf is!


Lyecdevf whines that:
Because you reported me to the admin with some BS allegations just because you could not stand that I posted this conversation on my blog but guess what!!! I am going to make another website...waite I am going to make 10 of them and I am going to post this on each one of them and then I am going to get all my friends to post it, and so on and on and on.

A commentor states the ovbious:
Is that why you're asking other hackers to destroy our blogs and sites? Is that why you're whining all over the place about us? 10 sites you say? Thanks for proving that you are a sad pathetic troll with no life!

But I'd like to add my statements here:
First of all, nobody reported his entire stupid website to the admin, they reported the ONE blog that was posted for the SOLE purpose to harass and attempt to humilate one of our members! There was no "BS allegation" the blog itself was reported and removed because it did violate 110MB's terms of service (a thing Lyecdevf loves to do is violate another through his trolling means and he sure loves to try to abuse and humiliate another because, well, he's a SICK fuck) but only the one blog was reported. What did Lyecdevf do? He marched right in there and threatened that admin and got his whole site removed. It was Lyecdevf's OWN MOUTHING OFF that got his stupid idiot site removed. We only reported the single vicious blog and he STILL can't understand that! Why couldn't he just stop there and then? Oh he had to PROVE he's a lowlife troll! We see. If you look at his own posts, he's bragging about posting something that will hurt someone else. He can't seem to see why people look at him the way they do! He's so unaware of how fucked up he is!

because you could not stand that I posted this conversation on my blog

And yet, what good has it really done ya? Ya fucking imbecile troll. Now you're begging other hackers to destroy all evidence of YOUR wrongdoing! What a psycho!

Actually during the whole of the conversation I never said any thing about my computer abilities. In fact I kept my responses simple and short.

This is an example of SOME of Lyecdevf's private messages to my friend in EH:
Originally Posted by cy837r0n
Yeah I done lots of cracking into passwords before. I got this one vampire chick and had her whole account seized.
I've done lots of stuff like that over the years. I can't count how many times I've gotten access to accounts on various other sites.*

Originally Posted by cy837r0n
HA HA! What You think I'm a hacker? Now for that I'm going to post all your letters on the main forum! You just wait!*

Sound familiar asshole? Where did all that come from? Why are you such a blathering jackass trolling psycho prick? What was the reason you attacked her? There was no provocation for it! Let's face it, Sebastian is nothing more than a pathetic asshole whose life is so pathetic that he's gotta make someone else suffer. He is the very definition of TROLL!
You're a fucking loser. You lowlife prick. I hope someone finally drops your ass back into the sewer.

Of course he didn't include THOSE messages in his hate blogs aimed to attack my friend! Yeah he left those little messages out! As we've said, he likes to rewrite history to suit his psychopathic needs to abuse others.